Structural Pest Control

Eviction Notice.

Co-owner Jeff Traynor holds a Bald-faced Hornet’s nest, recently removed from the side of a customer’s home. (Photo | Monadnock Pest & Wildlife)

Pest control is more than just “shooing pesky bugs” away. According to the World Health Organization, the quality of life we enjoy today is credited to three things: better health care, better medicine and, of no surprise, better pest control. While many insect species are in fact beneficial to the environment and ecosystem, many more can also impact our health, safety, and our homes. Termites, for example, damage more than half a million homes every year in the United States, and according to some industry statistics, homeowners collectively spend upwards of $5 billion annually to stop them.

We offer full-scale structural pest control services. Whether its ants on the counter, or hornets making those summertime deck retreats unbearable, Monadnock Pest & Wildlife is ready to serve you!

With a combined 30+ years of experience in the pest control industry, owners Jeff & Lynn go above and beyond industry standards. We’re accredited with robust entomology backgrounds which give us an added edge to efficiently understand and address the insect pests that burden your home or business. We’re ready to assist you with your structural pest control issue today.

For more specific details on individual New Hampshire pest control services, click on the species of concern below, or contact us!

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