Rodent Control

When the cat’s away...

Some find them adorable, others are completely repulsed; but regardless of where you stand on the rodent tolerance spectrum, mice and rats can undoubtedly affect your health and well-being if left unchecked.

Monadnock Pest co-owner Lynn Cohen sealing a crawlspace entry against mouse access. (Photo | Monadnock Pest & Wildlife)

A 2017 survey conducted on behalf of the NPMA found that nearly 1 in 5 homeowners’ biggest concern with a rodent presence in their home was the potential spread of disease. Rightfully so - both rats and mice are capable of spreading a myriad of diseases and parasites, and can contaminate personal belongings, food, bedding, and household items with their waste. Health risks associated with rodents include hantavirus, salmonella, allergies & asthma, tularemia, plague, rat bite fever, lymphocytic choriomeningitis & leptospirosis. Officials estimate that rats and mice cause upwards of 20% of undetermined structure fires in the United States each year, due to their uncontrollable desire to chew and gnaw - especially on electrical wiring coating.

Monadnock Pest & Wildlife offers a wide range of rodent control services using the most up-to-date standards and materials. Our 30+ years of combined rodent control experience means we can address your rodent issue promptly and professionally.

We offer rodent control solutions for the most common rodent pest species known to inhabit New Hampshire, including House Mice (Mus musculus), White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus), the Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), and the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus).

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